Random larunbat goizean Behaketa

Klase Nik horiek azken bi asteetan izan da eta gauza bat ukitzen me daudela pentsakor asko, smart pertsona SharePoint buruzko lan (aholkulariak, edo langile gisa) ez duten bloga, twitter, Badirudi mezu publiko MSDN foro edo SharePoint Unibertsitatea bezalako batzordeak jakitun, mantentzeko Facebook edo LinkedIn profilak, etc. They are pure information consumers. Not bad, besterik interesgarri.


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2 buruzko gogoeta "Random larunbat goizean Behaketa

  1. Paul Galvin
    Chris, good point. If I had thought about it for 2 minute longer before posting, I would have said as much. I know more people in your boat than in the other.
  2. Chris
    And then there are the few that really try to maintain a blog, like myself! I just find myself bogged down in the evangelism of SharePoint within my organization that blogging sometimes suffers.

Utzi iruzkin bat

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