Azken pertsona hori konturatzen naiz izan daiteke, baina SharePoint Online (eta horrek, askotan entzun dut esaten glorified WSS da) onartzen InfoPath Inprimakien Zerbitzuak. Hori nahiko indartsu stuff da, batez ere IP FS bat dela kontuan hartuta MOSS Enterprise luzea eta BPOS $ antzeko zerbait 1.99/month da 10,000 erabiltzaile. Agian pixka bat baino gehiago da.
Beraz,, SharePoint Online erraza definizio defies. Enpresa ezaugarri hau dauka, baina anonimoak sarbidea (eta horrek are WSS onartzen). Bilaketa gauza interesgarri batzuk egin ditzakezu (MOSS-ish, gune maila esparru definitu baitaiteke), baina behar baduzu SSP sartzeko, Ezin duzu egin du. You can play the “on the one hand and on the other” game all night long with this product
Microsoft dela SP Online bertsio berri bat askatu da datozen hilabeteetan. Zer bitxi hibridoa izango da joan galdetzen diot nire buruari?
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I am new to Infopath but am setting up a site for my company and want to use forms and workflows in the online SP. The company desktop profile doesn’t have infopath or Designer.
Can I create forms and workflows at home on my own system and import them in?
Hala bada, can you give me a quick guide on how to do it?
Any help gratefully accepted.
Sorry for never responding. I’m cleaning up my blog, catching up on comments and I just missed this one. I hope you came up with a good solution for yourself.