Izan gara, erabiltzaile baten onarpen proba lan (UAT) ingurune, gisa, garapen aldean, hil da motela.
FBA konplikatuak erabiliz ingurune bat da, SQL 2008, SSRS hedatua eta web-aplikazioak Internet bidez eskuragarria https erabiltzen, beraz, gogor jaisten jarraitzeko alea.
Aurreko bezero, FBA erabiltzen dugu papera LDAP hornitzaileekin (eta emate-hornitzaileak). One of my colleagues, askoz I baino azkarragoa, determined that the "out of the box" LDAP rol-hornitzaileak, denean, ingurune hori erabiltzen, wasn’t scaling well. To solve this problem for that client, he implemented a nice caching scheme in a custom role provider.
Egoera hori zirudien antzeko, so we looked into replicating that solution to the today’s client. As I was debugging that, Mezu hau litzateke maiz Sistema erregistroan agertzen nabaritu dut (Gertaera Viewer tik):
A worker process with process id of ‘XXX’ serving application pool ‘Home – 80’ has requested a recycle because it reached its virtual memory limit.
Hau hartu dut app igerilekua zela urrun birziklatzeko esan nahi, oso maiz, eta hori arazo bat errendimendua azaltzeko litzateke.
I looked at the app pool’s properties and its "Recycling" page showed that the property "Maximum virtual memory (MB)" had been set to true and had been set to 5000. That seems like enough, but I decided to unset the value and that had an immediate positive effect. No more app pool recycling. No more mysterious slow-downs and pauses.
I don’t really understand the underlying "stuff" hori ez da gertatzen, baina argi eta garbi kausa / efektu gauza bat gertatzen ari da eta oraingoz, UAT ingurumena erabilgarria da.