Irakurri dut pare bat atzera begirako an 2008 and this has got me to thinking about 2009. Here are my guesses at the future of SharePoint in 2009.
Txiki Lege-oharra
SharePoint MVP bat naiz eta, ondorioz,, I sometimes get a little advance information before it’s public. I am NOT making any such information public. I really haven’t been around long enough to be entrusted with that kind of stuff anyway.
Modu kanpo duten, to iragarpenak on ...
I believe that FAST will become a very hot topic in 2009. It’s already well known in the enterprise search community. Hala eta guztiz ere, denek jotzen inguruan SharePoint batera 2009 will soon be interested in this product and what it can do for them. New consulting companies will spring up around it and existing partners will work and scramble to add it to its portfolio. This time next year, ia SharePoint komunitatean, denek izango dute entzun eta azkar buruzko iritzia izan.
FAST is targeted at large companies and that will continue. I think there’s at least an outside chance that Microsoft will release a more focused version of the product that is accessible to smaller companies. Failing that, they will open up the SharePoint search engine so that it can be customized along the lines that FAST can be customized. Adibidez, FAST uses pipeline architecture for consuming content and indexing it. FAST admins and developers can assemble pipeline components per data source and even create new pipeline components. We don’t have this flexibility with SharePoint today. If FAST remains firmly targeted at very large companies, SharePoint bilaketa azkarra ezaugarri batzuk hartuko ditu.
SharePoint V.Next
Atera egingo da sinesten dut 2009.
I believe that it will provide us the ability to secure views on a list or document library. This may be more of a hope than a belief 🙂
Azken erabiltzaileei laguntza hobea batzuk emango da SharePoint Designer eta, bereziki, workflow espero dut.
Ez dakit askoz bestela, I have been actively tracking what I do find here:
Saltzaileek mailako aplikazioak sortuko
Gaur egun, most SharePoint vendors seem to be gadget oriented. Take Banbu edo Corasworks adibidez. They have a huge following and great portfolio of products. Hala eta guztiz ere, gadgety moduko dirudite niri edo sustatzailearen / tool focused. Admin tools, Tresna workflow, etc. That’s not a criticism at all because SharePoint can definitely use some gadgets.
Urtean 2009, saltzaileek batzuk (eta oso seguru asko, beraiek Bamboo, irakurri dut hau bada behar bezala) batera jarriko verticalized enpresa aplikazio txantiloiak formularioa, ezaugarri, irtenbideak, etc. I’m thinking about the fabulous forty templates today but tailored to specific industries. I’m sort of surprised it’s not already exploited this way. SharePoint is a platform for delivering these kinds of things. What’s everyone waiting for? They won’t wait any longer in 2009.
Aldi berean,, Silverlight eta beste cool. NET gauza berriak erregaia egingo, hobea eta interesgarri gadgets. produktu hauen komunitatearen funtsezko katalogo bihurtuko dira.
Azken erabiltzailearen Focus
2009 Amaiera Erabiltzaileak sorrera ikusiko blogari nagusietako foku gisa, organizations and Microsoft themselves. Mark Miller End Erabiltzaile SharePoint.Com rola jokatu handi batean 2008 and will continue to do so in 2009. End Users will begin to blog, laguntzeko Erabiltzaile taldeak eraldatzeko aretoak gutxiago teknikoak sartu eta nahiz eta norbait edo erakundea konbentzitu hutsa End Erabiltzaile bideratuta hitzaldi abiarazteko.
Jardunaldiak, Erabiltzaile taldeak, Kode Camps, etc
Speaking of conferences – they will continue to expand and grow in number and focus. Aside from end user content, jarraituko da, garatzaileei eta administratzaileak erantzuteko dute.
Virtual hitzaldiak jasotzen hasiko da eta aurretik dauden hitzaldiak zuzeneko jarioak emango urruneko ekitaldira joan ezin duten edo aukeratu ez pertsonalki joatea.
Free egoitzatan egingo zabaltzeko, esate baterako, Mike Lotter en (et al) SharePoint larunbata.
Hau oso garrantzitsua izango da bertara, garatzaile berriak ugaritasuna handi bat izaten jarraituko baitu, kudeatzaileek eta erabiltzaileek duten craving izango informazio mota talde horiek.
Gizarte Informatika
Demand for social computing features will rise. All things being equal, duten enpresak ezartzeko eraginkorra gizarte informatika estrategiak hobeto egin izan ditu, eta bere lehiakideak baino indartsuagoa.
Enpresa txikiagoak ezaugarri hauek hartuko ditu modu azkar eta eraginkorrean enpresa handiak baino.
Enpresa handiak: beware 🙂
Best Deskontaminazioko versus Praktikak
Urtean 2008, SharePoint blogari eta erakunde eta Microsoft beraiek asko igaro denbora asko out kalkulatzen modurik onena zenbait arazo konpontzeko (normalean arazo teknikoak).
There are still opportunities to define and foster adoption of best practices. Hala eta guztiz ere, dugu sido bitartean kalkulatzen modurik onena instalatu, konfiguratzeko eta kudeatzeko SharePoint, ehunka eta milaka enpresa izan dira instalatzen, konfigurazioa eta kudeatzeko SharePoint eskuan praktika horiek onena gabe.
Urtean 2009, a lot of companies are going to realize they have some deeply rooted problems to solve and will be looking to the elite members of the SharePoint community and Microsoft for help to fix them. I think this will extend well into 2010 eta, seguru asko abiarazi cottage industria konponketa zerbitzuak eskaintzen duten enpresa benetan behar eta SharePoint erabili, baina gaizki mina delako erabakiak eskasa egin hasieran euren ezarpenean.
Mother Ship egingo aurkibidea
Urtean 2009, Ama-ontzia eta itzuli egingo ekarri Bob Fox hasiera.
Final Pensamientos
Nik ez dut neure burua SharePoint edozein modu errealean lan egiten urtarrila arte 2007. Iruditzen zait SharePoint dela benetan hartu off frogatu eta beraren balioa asko entregatu bi urte hauetan gai diren. Uste dut modu askotan, ez da benetan bere burua altxa out azpiegitura egunera arte. Du, hala ere, bere arazoen eta arazoak, baina dugu modu batera etorri zenetik 01/2007. 2009 SharePoint da urte pankarta bat izango.
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I think you made some good points here. You are spot on in that partners will need to start to building vertical solutions. Ballmer said as much to partners at the Microsoft Worldwide Partner Conference (WPC) several years ago – circa 2004. Partners need a few things to make this possible. The obvious first one is … better tools. As you noted the platform is getting better all the time. Partners need a clear roadmap with realistic timelines for any of the "coming attractions" as added capabilities. Partners need to know that their efforts are going to have legs and some longevity in the market. Smart partners expect (and want) Microsoft to innovate and continue to "raise the tide" for the base level functionality. What they don’t want to do is have to compete with features that are non-existent or not available in the near term. This comes back to the roadmap. Partners don’t need much encouragement to want to build with / on-top-of SharePoint as a platform.
One of the biggest challenges facing widespread SharePoint adoption and deeper penetration into the enterprise is the lack of qualified people to design, develop, and deploy solutions. Don’t misinterpret this last statement. There are quite a few qualified partners – SI’s, ISV’s, VAR’s, Training partners, etc. out there. I have been fortunate enough to work with many of them. The challenge is finding more and more people to keep up with demand. This is not a bad problem to have. It is a significant opportunity for Microsoft and for the partner community. I think you are right in that these existing partners, which I think you labeled as the “elite members” of the SharePoint community, are going to have a tremendous opportunity to help shape the next phase of the SharePoint world view. If done right – this will grow beyond a cottage industry and be the next $10B business for Microsoft and a $50B business for the partner ecosystem.
Ah leave that Fox bastard where he is…. Gannotti left too soon…. they started passing out hoagies to the other captives as soon as he was beemed back.
Good thoughts. I myself have not worked with longer than you have, and its very nice to know that there is respect for people like us (you have an MVP!!) and we can be a great benefit to the community. I am super excited about 2009; especially the FAST stuff. That looks too cool.
May you have a blessed and prosperous new year!
after my abduction last month I can in fact verify that…. the mother ship will be bringing Bob Fox home. Now excuse me while I adjust my tin foil hat 😉