Hurrengo SharePoint Denda Eztabaida jarri hartzen du ostegun honetan 12:30PM EDT.
Bi aste hartu off dugu (ondorioz SharePoint Conference azken astean) eta ondorioz, ilaran galderak zenbaki bat dugu, not to mention all kinds of cool stuff to talk about regarding SharePoint 2010. All of the panel members attended SPC, so bring your SP 2010 questions to the call or email them to
Aside from a good part of the call set aside to talk about some SP 2010 goodness, we’ll also discuss:
- Why SharePoint shows different navigation options under site settings (this varies based on features and site configuration)
- Modifying versions.aspx – problems, difficulties doing so (I”m not surprised
- Embedding RSS feeds into a site when the source is authenticated.
- Using stsadm to manage logging.
Izena eman hemen:
As usual, send any questions or discussion topics to, email me directly or twitter to @pagalvin.
We hope to see you there!
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