We held our 3rd SharePoint Shop Talk session yesterday. Twenty-five folk braved the overly aggressive registration screen (horretan ari gara lanean!) to sign up and dial into the call.
The topics varied widely although they were a bit more end user and light admin focused this time. We spent a lot of time discussing the age old question, “how do I secure a view”. There was some SharePoint Designer in there, edukia zabaltzeko pixka bat, argitalpen orrietan web zati bertsio (ez dago benetan ez da edozein web zati bertsio), Best ezartzeko segurtasun praktika (answer = "araberakoa da" eta kontuan Joris 'post hemen mantentzeko: http://jopx.blogspot.com/2009/08/sharepoint-and-2000-principal-limit.html) eta Analíticas (Todd Klindt post sustatzeko hemen LogParser eta SharePoint buruz buru: http://www.toddklindt.com/blog/Lists/Posts/Post.aspx?ID=85).
A pattern seems to be forming with these calls. A question is emailed in or asked during the Q&A and the bottom line answer is “it depends.” The panel discusses various angles to the question, tangentea bakoitiak edo bi gainean kaleko off ahal izango dugu, baina azkenean, we’ve had a pretty thorough discussion of that topic. My goal with these sessions is that question asker walks away from the call with more options to solve her problem than she had before she joined the call. I think it’s safe to say that that’s happening (Izan ere,, zenbait kasutan, aukera gehiegi izan dezakete du).
Hurrengo astea, nire lankideei eta I Arcovis at webinar dira elkarrekin aurkeztuko gure bazkideen bi, Integrated Systems eta Zerbitzuak Grupo eta Cloud estrategiak about Microsoft Online services. I think it’s going to be very informative. Our role (Arcovis) is to present a short demo on how to build a real world solution using Microsoft on line. We’re going to demonstrate a human resources application to manage the on-boarding process for new hires. If you’ve wondered about MS Online, check this webinar out.
Webinar Horrek ziurrenik esan nahi du ez garela bat Denda Eztabaida saio eusten datorren astean, but keep tuned If we do have it, ezin izango da, osteguna, izango da.
Berriro ere, nire esker panel doa: Harry Jones, Natalya Voskresenskaya and Laura Rogers. Eskerrik asko, guys!
Follow me on Twitter http://www.twitter.com/pagalvin
Orain ez da ikuspegi pertsonala ideia laburpena Partaide bat dela, nola sortu izan ahal izango duzu "ziurtatzeko" ikusteko? Ezin nuen harrapatzen ditu, guztiak nintzen entzuten.
Saioaren izateagatik esker…Saiatu gehiago askotan sintonizatu dut!
Deiak hauek izan dituzte lan-inpaktua super SharePoint naiz egiteko. Orain arte,, Guztiak hiru izan naiz eta zerbait eraman behin horietako bat. Eta, Izan dut, beste batzuk gai eramango norabide egokian. Honez handia "eztabaida denda" nire ikaskide # SharePoint herrialdean eta mundu osoko aficianados batera.
Eskerrik asko Paul, Harry, Natalya, eta Laura emateagatik honen zati bat izan dit.
Jim Bob