Mantentzen baduzu, blog bat bada, hori gutxienez minimoki to SharePoint konektatuta, please let me know in comments. I would love to add you to my blog list.
Mantentzen baduzu, blog bat ez dela SharePoint konektatuta badago, baina nahi gehitzeko Niri hala ere, let me know. I’ll may create a separate blog list.
Please give:
- Your blog URL (jakina,)
- A short description of your blog.
I want to keep the link to "active" blogs, which I’m roughly defining as one post per week and minimum three months old. If you don’t meet that "requirement" add your name to comments anyway. It’s *my* list so I can break my own rule if I want to.
Eskerrik asko!
Hi Paul,
I’m not an avid updater of my blog yet (still trying to get it off the ground with a cache of posts). I am trying to use my blog for the things I stumble across in SharePoint, InfoPath, and other Office products and tech stuff. You’ve probably seen me bouncing around in the Stump the Panel on EndUserSharePoint trying to help. My blog is to provide out-of-the-box fixes as much as possible to SharePoint and InfoPath problems (primarily) and others as they come.
Hi Paul,
Been an avid reader of your blog. My alias is "Monjo" or "Mongeau" on most of the SharePoint customization forums. You might have seen my posts. Anyways, nire (berria) blog is here:
Check out my old posts as well..
Chandima.Net Blog for SharePoint solutions
SharePoint best practice and implementation guidelines.
Hi Paul,
I have 2 blogs – Primary blog has SharePoint + Other Tech bits -> and I have just started a blog dedicated to SharePoint Notes from the field.
If you and other readers would like to join the SharePoint Knowledge Network (feedburner) to make one big SharePoint List, please email me gmail dot com
My SharePoint blog address is:
It is mostly about SharePoint development and architecture.
Hi Paul!
Badut bloga non batzuetan SharePoint administrazioari eta garapenari buruzko sarrerak idazten ditudan. Nire bloga hemen aurki dezakezu
Hey Paul!
Duela gutxi SharePoint Analyst HQ izeneko blog berria hasi dut, SharePoint-eko kutxako konfigurazioan oinarritzen dena 2010 eta zehazki plataformatik negozioaren balioa maximizatzeko.
Negozio artikuluen konbinazioa, SharePoint funtzionalitatearen ikuspegi orokorra kodeketan sakondu gabe.
Gogoa baduzu, begiratu hemen
Martxan Out – Nire ibilbidean teknologia
Nire bloga nire teknologiako ibilbideari buruzkoa da, horrek esan nahi du karreraren kudeaketa estaltzen duela (which a lot of us have had to think more about recently), SharePoint (since that is what I do), a little about social media (since SharePoint is social, moreso with SP2010, and IMHO social media can be an important career management tool), and occasionally other technical topice I find interesting.
My SP topics cover a range: configuration, programming (I’ve been a bit heavy on that recently), and best practices/strategy/BA.
I just started my blog last week:
It is my way of showing the world what you can (or cannot) do with out-of-the-box SharePoint (and SharePoint Designer/Office/…)
Hi Paul ,
My blog is about latest sharepoint 2010 technology.
Thanks and regards,
Swati Jain