Nintzen DM'd twitter gaur mezu bat eta pentsatu erantzuna blog nuke.
Galdera da: "Hey Paul, zuretzat bat azkar,nola twitter mahaian lortuko duzu zure espazio Live script kodea blokeatu gisa gordetako Thx "
I did this by adding a custom html widget to my live spaces page and using the little code snippet:
<bat href="" izenburua="TwitterCounter for @pagalvin"> <img src="" zabalera=88 height=26 estilo="border:none" alt="TwitterCounter for @pagalvin"> </bat> |
This uses a version of the twitter counter widget interface that gets past the windows live censor thing that we all hate so much and wish would get a bad case of poison ivy.
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This seems to show an out of date count (maybe 24 hours old?), but if you’re not too caught up in the whole "how many people are following me?" thing, it works great. I just added this to my WordPress blog, as they have the same scripting restriction.