Bhí mé ag léamh ar cheann de na na hairteagail seo blah-mhaith go leor cineálacha ar BPOs (Malartú Microsoft SharePoint agus sa scamall) agus buíochas le Dia waded tríd go dtí an deireadh:
I dtéarmaí na táirgí insoláthartha in aice-téarma eile, Microsoft ag commiting a chur ar fáil i BPOs v.Next scriptithe PowerShell dúchais trí críochphointe PowerShell tógáil ar PowerShell Leagan 2. Beidh Fíordheimhniú a dhéanamh trí IDs Líne, le credential amháin a bheith in ann a úsáid le haghaidh araon PowerShell agus an portal.Keane echoed an teachtaireacht a execs Microsoft eile curtha voicing ag TechEd an tseachtain seo: Cumais Cloud, le himeacht ama, Beidh bheith ina superset de cad atá ar fáil ar-áitreabh. Faoi láthair, Is é an mhalairt fíor, agus a thairiscint seirbhísí ar líne Microsoft fo-thacar de na feidhmeanna atá ar fáil i gcoibhéisí bogearraí de gach táirge.
Is é an smaoineamh go mbeidh an scamall ar fáil cumas níos mó ná ar-premise nua dom. N'fheadar conas fíor go bhfuil ag dul a bheith sa deireadh. Mhothaíonn sé counterintuitive dom. Liom a fháil go hiomlán ar an smaoineamh go mbeidh a lán de na cuideachtaí rudaí a bhogadh chuig an scamall (nó tús a chur amach sa scamall) ach is dóigh liom de ghnáth a dhéanann siad é mar gheall ar an pro (admin éasca, CLS, etc) bhfad níos tábhachtaí ná na míbhuntáistí a bhaineann le (feidhmiúlacht laghdaithe).
Tá mé tar éis le beagán de am deacair a chreidiúint go mbeidh tairiscintí scamall níos mó ná cumais maidir le-áitreabh. Tá Il-thionónta crua agus is cosúil mar caithfidh sé compromises bhfeidhm d'fhonn a chur ar fáil CLS maith agus éasca le húsáid ...
Feicfidh mé dócha a bheith ag ithe mo focail ar seo. Is cuimhin liom bheith ag smaoineamh go bhféadfadh aon duine a dhíth ort, b'fhéidir níos mó ná 650 mb na sonraí agus dá bhrí sin,, Ní raibh an dlúthdhiosca ag dul a fheabhsú ar.
Lean mé ar Twitter ag
Hug, Paul. I always love to read your stuff.
I saw that line too, and thought it was just as provocative… Ach, I believe they stopped short of saying multi-tenant. Mar sin,, my take on it is that the superset would apply where the software is “in the cloud,” and leveraging multi-tenant infrastructure perhaps, but not multi-tenant application layer, at least for now.
And in that sense, I tend to agree with the statement, in that the “cloud,” meaning a hosted and managed solution does now and/or will offer a superset of on-premises capabilities.
Mar shampla, my customers get a dedicated, full-featured SharePoint that we allow them to customize (equal to on-premise), along with a 99.9% uptime guarantee SLA, and performance SLA, on a solution that leverages our shared infrastructure platform to optimize costs and enable highly dynamic scaling, so they pay for only what they use of bandwidth, storage, computing capacity, licenses, etc.
Plus, we have tremendous networking capabilities for connecting the system to customer’s users around the world, so they don’t have to give up as much as they might think in terms of network performance. On top of that, they can leverage our ICDS content delivery network and/or optionally apply WAN optimization (Riverbed, mar shampla) to the solution to boost network performance even further. The option for remote BLOB storage is there as well, and that can be pointed to our Storage as a Service platform to get cheap storage for older or non-critical data.
Then you have to consider that many companies lack state of the art data centers in multiple locations around the world. A provider who can make that available easily offers a tremendous value for geo-distributed corporations.
When you put all that together, it is a lot more than most CIOs can match on-premise.
I think you make a great case for the cloud there.
I think that companies still worry about:
– Monthly costs
– Customer service
– Security of data
– Integrating their cloud data with their on-prem systems. Mar shampla, custom SQL databases (an issue I’m working out with a client right now).
– Other stuff no doubt
To a small extent, this is sort of like the old javascript / cookie issue. We actually had design requirements that said that our web pages needed to work reasonably well if the user turned off cookies and disallowed javascript and we’d actualy advertise that our stuff worked without the need for these “potential security problems”. Na laethanta, no one even bothers to support users that won’t accept cookies or disable javascript on their browser.