Mar chuid den iarracht leanúnach ar a fhoghlaim na sonraí seo a leibhéal teicniúil íseal de SharePoint 2010, Chruthaigh mé ar "SharePoint Explorer"De chineál ar uirlis. Ní Is é an smaoineamh nua. Bhain mé úsáid as an tionscadal seo níos mó ná uair: Is é mo smaoineamh a chruthú leagan SharePoint a úsáideann codanna gréasáin nasctha a thaispeáint go léir na sonraí íseal-leibhéal gur féidir leis an tsamhail réad a chur ar fáil.
Feidhmíonn sé seo blog post mar araon fógairt an tionscadail chomh maith le glao ar oibrithe deonacha. Má tá suim ag obair ar an tionscadal seo duit, in iúl dom tríd an ríomhphost (galvin.paul @ agus beidh muid ag oibriú amach.
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Love the effort and it’s a good idea of trying to show everything the Sharepoint Object Model has to offer – but why would I use this over the Sharepoint Manager?
Right now I would see it as a playground to see how to access e.g. SPList and all of its properties, but really digging for information about all document libraries I have on my Sharepoint? I would use Sharepoint Manager.
Sorry for never replying. You’re right. It was meant to be a learning project and not really going to be a thing that would compete with an established tool like that. I never progressed it much.