Ceann de na … fo-éifeachtaí … of working for a giant corporation is that I get a lot press releases in my inbox every month. I’m still new to the EMC world, ionas go bhfuil a lán de na preaseisiúintí, go bunúsach, inscrutable. This or that company purchased these or those EMC products, blah blah blah. I’m not complaining. I actually take this as an incentive to learn more about EMC as time goes by so that I better understand the big picture of what EMC is all about (leid: tá sé faoi Eolas).
Roinnt uaireanta, Is iad na preaseisiúintí éasca go leor a thuiscint agus ceann amháin díobh a bhí faoi Mozy. Mozy is an on-line backup tool. You install a lightweight client on your workstation (ríomhaire glúine i mo chás), leat insint sé cad ba mhaith leat a ais suas agus nuair a agus ansin a dhéanann sé é a sheoladh do chuid sonraí a roinnt freastalaí(s) on the cloud. It does it in the background.
Mo cúltaca tosaigh ar siúl i díreach faoi 4 hours and according to Mozy is 550MB or so of data. I only backed up "My Documents" (dá bhrí sin, an méid réasúnta beag de shonraí).
Rith sé arís (I mo thuairimse, 24 uair an chloig ina dhiaidh sin), tacaíocht suas roinnt rudaí níos mó i thart ar 8 nóiméad. I never noticed it happen. There was no obvious impact on any work I was doing at the time.
Rinne mé ais tástála agus cuireann sé comhéadan úsáideora réasúnta go leor a roghnú an comhad(s) you want to restore. It was quick, snappy, faisnéiseach … Níl a fhios agam conas a d'fhéadfadh sé a bheith ar bith níos fearr.
I spoke to one of my colleagues about it who has more experience with online backup. He said that Mozy is good but that it lacks an ability to tell Mozy to do the equivalent of "restore files that I deleted." This is to say that if you don’t know you deleted a fie, nó má dhéanann tú ach ní cuimhin a ainm, Ní féidir Mozy cabhrú leat i bhfad i dtéarmaí éasca a aimsiú sé a athchóiriú.
They impose a 2GB limit if you just want to use the service for free. It looks like it’s $5/month for unlimited storage.
Bottom line, má iarrann duine éigin dom má ba chóir iad a úsáid Mozy do cúltaca ar líne, mo freagra ceart anois, "Hell, yes."
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