Plé SharePoint Recap Siopa

We held our 3rd SharePoint Shop Talk session yesterday. Twenty-five folk braved the overly aggressive registration screen (táimid ag obair ar an!) to sign up and dial into the call.

The topics varied widely although they were a bit more end user and light admin focused this time. We spent a lot of time discussing the age old question, “how do I secure a view”. There was some SharePoint Designer in there, le beagán de imscaradh ábhar, leagan ar na codanna gréasáin ar leathanaigh a fhoilsiú (nach bhfuil i ndáiríre aon versioning chun páirteanna gréasáin), cleachtais is fearr a chur ar bun slándála (freagra = "Braitheann sé" agus a choinneáil i gcuimhne iar Joris 'anseo: agus Analytics (a spreag chun cinn post Todd Klindt ar anseo faoi LogParser agus SharePoint:

A pattern seems to be forming with these calls. A question is emailed in or asked during the Q&A and the bottom line answer is “it depends.” The panel discusses various angles to the question, Is féidir linn a stray amach ar an tadhlaí corr nó dhá, ach sa deireadh, we’ve had a pretty thorough discussion of that topic. My goal with these sessions is that question asker walks away from the call with more options to solve her problem than she had before she joined the call. I think it’s safe to say that that’s happening (i ndáiríre, féadfaidh sí a bheith roghanna iomarca i gcásanna áirithe).

Tseachtain seo chugainn, mo chomhghleacaithe agus mé ag Arcovis ag cur i láthair i gcomhar le webinar le dhá cheann dár gcomhpháirtithe, Córais Comhtháite agus Grúpa Seirbhísí agus Straitéisí Cloud about Microsoft Online services. I think it’s going to be very informative. Our role (Arcovis) is to present a short demo on how to build a real world solution using Microsoft on line. We’re going to demonstrate a human resources application to manage the on-boarding process for new hires. If you’ve wondered about MS Online, check this webinar out.

Ciallaíonn sé seo webinar is dócha nach mbeidh muid a shealbhú seisiún Plé Siopa tseachtain seo chugainn, but keep tuned 🙂 If we do have it, Ní bheidh sé ar an Déardaoin.

Arís, mo bhuíochas a théann chuig an bpainéal: Harry Jones, Natalya Voskresenskaya and Laura Rogers. Go raibh maith agat, guys!


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2 smaointe ar "Plé SharePoint Recap Siopa

  1. Níl ainm

    Would you be able to recap the personal view idea that one attendee had about how to create the "secure" féachaint ar? Ní raibh mé in ann a ghabháil gach ceann de na sé mar bhí mé ag éisteacht.

    Go raibh maith agat le haghaidh a bhfuil an seisiún…Bainfidh mé triail as a tune i níos minice!

  2. Jim Bob Howard

    Tá na glaonna Bhí tionchar Super ar an obair Tá mé ag déanamh le SharePoint. Go dtí seo, Bhí mé ar na trí rud éigin agus tógtha ar shiúl ó gach ceann acu. Agus, Bainim ann do dhaoine eile mar thoradh sa treo ceart. It’s been great to "talk shop" le mo chomhbhaill # aficianados SharePoint ar fud na tíre agus an domhain.

    Go raibh maith agat Paul, Harry, Natalya, agus Laura as ligean dom a bheith ina chuid de seo.

    Jim Bob


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