Bottom line: más mian leat a úsáid ar mhaoin próifíl i riail don lucht féachana a chruthú, Ní mór an mhaoin a bheith le feiceáil le "gach duine."
I was working with a co-worker yesterday and he was building out a MOSS audience based on a custom user profile property in MOSS. Sa chás seo, Is é an mhaoin lucht féachana darb ainm "SITECD" agus de réir an ghnáis, Stórálann a 3 Cód carachtar. Bhí sé an lucht éisteachta sainithe agus riail a dúirt go más rud é "ionann SITECD 'ABG'", ansin áireamh go phróifíl úsáideora sa lucht féachana.
Bhunaigh sé phróifíl úsáideora amháin leis an luach agus tiomsaíodh an lucht féachana, but MOSS simply wouldn’t add that user. I noticed that the privacy setting for that profile was set to “me only” (an fhoirm is sriantach) and I remembered reading somewhere that property profiles used in rules must be visible by “everyone”. He made that change and that solved the problem.
The really funny thing about this is that I “remembered” reading about this. It was nagging at me this morning for some reason and I realized that I had written a chapter in this book, CAONAIGH Míniú: An Oibrí Faisnéise Léim Deep isteach i SharePoint Microsoft Server Oifig 2007, agus gur clúdaithe mé an bpointe seo sa chaibidil an-scríobh mé :). I would have thought that every word I wrote in that chapter would be seared into my memory.
Matt Morse scríobhann seo suas go mion álainn anseo agus tagairt mé é sa chaibidil:
</deireadh>Liostáil le mo bhlag.
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