Le linn an dá lá seo caite, I have participated in two meetings during which we presented the results of a SharePoint project. The CIO and his team joined the first meeting. That’s standard and not especially notable. The IT department is obviously involved in an enterprise rollout of any technology project. The second meeting expanded to include a V.P. ó mhargaíocht, roinnt stiúrthóirí AD, Loighistic, Déantúsaíocht, Tionscadail Chaipitil, Cáilíocht, Ceannaigh, Forbairt Chorparáideach agus ranna eile (Ní raibh cuid acu páirteach fiú go díreach sa chéim reatha). That’s a mighty wide audience.
I mo shaol roimhe, I primarily worked on ERP and CRM projects. They both have a fairly wide solution domain but not as wide as SharePoint. To be fully realized, SharePoint projects legitimately and necessarily reach into every nook and cranny of an organization. How many other enterprise solutions have that kind of reach? Not many.
SharePoint clearly represents an enormous opportunity for those of us fortunate enough to be in this space. It provides a great technical opportunity (a iompú ar bhealach ar a cheann anseo under "Technologies You Must Master"). But even better, SharePoint exposes us to an extensive and wide range of business processes through these engagements. How many CRM specialists work with the manufacturing side of the company? How many ERP consultants work with human resources on talent acquisition? SharePoint exceeds them both.
Cosúil le aon rud, nach bhfuil sé foirfe, ach tá sé ina áit mhaith damanta a bheith.