Un tempo atrás, Eu escribín un artigo para o SharePoint Briefing (www.sharepointbriefing.com) que describe como crear un rotonda imaxe en SharePoint. Aquí está o teaser:
Lea o artigo completo aquí: http://sharepointbriefing.com/spcode/article.php/3861121/Create-an-Image-Rotator-in-SharePoint-Using-jQuery.htm
Siga-me no Twitter http://www.twitter.com/pagalvin
Now that you’ve migrated your blog, I finally get a chance to comment on this post
jQuery is so easy that it is tempting to overuse it, and it is the case in your post. I read:
$(“#CatImage”).attr(“src”,”/jQuery/Cat%20Pictures/cat0″ + i + “.jpg”);
“That one line represents dozens of painstaking plain-old JavaScript code lines”
En realidade, here is the equivalent in plain JavaScript:
document.getElementById(“CatImage”).src =”/jQuery/Cat%20Pictures/cat0″ + i + “.jpg”;
Si, one line too, and no dependency on an external library.
Note that I use jQuery myself to build image rotators, but for different reasons:
– the ability to pull a list of image URLs using cross-browser AJAX
– transition effects between images
As a reference:
– a demo of jQuery rotators:
– my plain JavaScript rotator builder:
Grazas! That’s a great point and I appreciate the references.
The only problem is that that i have to add similar image name like cat can you provide with better soution