Actualización: Madjur Ahuja apunta este enlace dun discusión newsgroup: It’s pretty definitive.
We often want to embed hyperlinks to InfoPath forms in emails sent from SharePoint Designer workflows. When users receive these emails, poden premer na ligazón do correo-e e ir directamente ao formulario do InfoPath.
Este URL construción monstro funciona para min:
Substituír o texto en negra vermello co nome do formulario, como se mostra na imaxe seguinte:
Teña en conta que hai unha morea de camiño hard-Coded ese URL, as well as a URL-encoded component. If this is too hard to translate to your specific situation, try turning on alerts for the form library. Post a form and when you get the email, ver o código fonte do correo electrónico e vai ver todo o que ten que incluír.
Astute readers may notice that the above email body also shows a link that directly accesses the task via a filtered view. I plan to explain that in greater detail in a future post.