I have a column name in a content type named "Real Estate Location".
That column is of type "lookup".
Eu modifiquei <CommonViewFields> e ItemStyle.xsl para mostrar a columna.
Un simple <XSL:valor de select =…> retorna un valor interno que inclúe datos de posición ordinal, como:
Para obter o valor humano-friendly, usar XSL substring-after, como se mostra:
<XSL:value-of select="substring-after(@ Real_x005F_x0020_Estate_x005F_x0020_Location,'#')"></XSL:valor de>
Use esta técnica cando se está a traballar con valores de investigación en transformacións XSL e que obter o valor humano-friendly.
</ Comezo>
Ola Paulo,
Parece que está describindo aquí é a solución para o que eu teño, pero, desgraciadamente, son un novato en XSL e non pode descubrir a partir do seu post anterior.
Deixe-me explicar rapidamente o que estou tentando facer é que eu teño e me gustaría moito de recibir a súa axuda
Estou creando páxinas de produtos nunha biblioteca de documentos e na biblioteca estou asociando valores a través de columnas de cada páxina, e.g. Nome da páxina: Product A and in that row a column "Market applicability". The values that are available for "market applicability" are in a custom list in a separate library and are imported via a look-up and then defined that various options are possible (in that column).
Now let’s say product A is available in the US & Canada and we select those in the column attributes to the page. I would like to have US & Canada then appear on the page itself and I think what you are discussing above is the answer to my question – now the big Q is exactly how do I implement it?
My company does not allow me to work with sharepoint designer and we do not have the DFWP web part available :s so I have been doing the majority of my alterations with code in CEWP (I also have a XML/XSL web part available if that helps).
The only solution that my web management team has given me is to create an alternative view of the product page document library for that product and include that view in my page – however given that we have over 200 products and I have this issue with 4 columnas (market applicability, target audience, etc) I do not want to spend my time creating 1,000 views.
My site structure is as follows:
Product A page: https://domain.com/sites/mysitename/productpages/ProductA.aspx
Product page document library: https://domain.com/sites/mysitename/productpages/Forms/AllItems.aspx
Original list with values: https://domain.com/sites/mysitename/Lists/Market applicability/AllItems.aspx
Could you please advise me what code I need to use in order to include the market applicability values of "US & Canada" (neste caso) in my product page?
Thanks so much for your help!