SharePoint Deseño Email Envía ???? en un correo-e

Os usuarios do foro, en ocasións, pedir: Por que poñer o SharePoint Design ???? no meu correo electrónico en lugar dun valor de campo?

Unha razón isto acontece é porque a variable á que se refire é nulo.

Isto pode ocorrer porque estás a facer referencia a un campo do elemento "actual" but the user never entered a value into that form field.

</ Comezo>

Un pensamento sobre "SharePoint Deseño Email Envía ???? en un correo-e

  1. Martes
    One workaround I found for this is to first store the field you are referencing in a variable, and set the type to String. This seems to work in data view displays for NULL values so I suspect it would work for e-mails as well. Just insert the workflow variable into the e-mail body vs. the straight field value.

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