Podo ser a última persoa a entender iso, pero SharePoint Online (que moitas veces eu ouço a xente diciren é un WSS glorificado) soporte para o InfoPath Forms Services. Iso é unha cousa moi poderosa, sobre todo tendo en conta que FS IP é unha característica da empresa Moss e BPOS é algo como US $ 1.99/month para 10,000 usuarios. Maybe it’s a little more than that.
Así, SharePoint Online defies easy definition. It has this enterprise feature, but no anonymous access (which even WSS supports). You can do some interesting stuff with search (MOSS-ish, since you can define site level scopes), but if you need access to the SSP, you can’t do it. Pode xogar o "dun lado e do outro" xogo toda a noite con este producto
Microsoft is due to release a new version of SP Online in the next few months. I wonder what weird hybrid it’s going be?
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I am new to Infopath but am setting up a site for my company and want to use forms and workflows in the online SP. The company desktop profile doesn’t have infopath or Designer.
Can I create forms and workflows at home on my own system and import them in?
Se é así, can you give me a quick guide on how to do it?
Any help gratefully accepted.
Sorry for never responding. I’m cleaning up my blog, catching up on comments and I just missed this one. I hope you came up with a good solution for yourself.