Ja sam se borio malo sa Visual Studio 2010 na jednom sp2010 rješenje i je uzimajući ovaj greška:
Error occurred in deployment step ‘Add Solution’: Pogreška: Ne možete dodati određeni sklop na globalnom montaže cachea: YourAwesomeDLLThat IAmJustNotGoingToInstallRightNow.dll
Otišao sam u GAC sama (c:\windows skupština) pokušati ukloniti i dobio "datoteku u uporabi" pogreška.
Ja sam jedan iisreset, Skoro sam skinuti Sysinternals, Zaustavio sam timera uslugu usluga ... napokon, Upravo sam zatvorena i ponovno otvorena Visual Studio se i ja napokon moći zatvoriti.
Slijedite me na Twitter-u http://www.twitter.com/pagalvin
Coll, I just blogged about this exact problem a few hours ago, and then this post pops up in my google reader
Same solution as well
Great blog by the way!
Hi Pavao,
I commonly encounter this problem, usually because I have opened a command line on c:\windows\assembly\gac_msil\MYDLL_Folder\. Thus gacutil can’t change the dll.
Might help others…