Upravljanje InfoPath Pregledi

Čini mi se da ide kroz InfoPath faze gdje, kao grom iz vedrog neba, I’m crafting a bunch of forms. My fingers learn how to use the tool well and then I go through nine month drought and have to learn it all over again.

Ja sam u sredini InfoPath fazi, a ja sam stvaranje InfoPath obrasce s puno pregleda. Jedna stvar koju vjerojatno primijetiti je da InfoPath 2007 client shows views in alphabetical order. This is a real nuisance some times. My best technique these days is to prepend a number to the view name so that they always show in the order I want, kao što je prikazano ovdje:


I wish I had been doing this all along.


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Jedna misao o „Upravljanje InfoPath Pregledi

  1. Joshua HOEHNE

    Sjajna ideja, ali nisam se pogleda da je mnogo u programu InfoPath, kako rade i što ih mogu koristiti za? @ TheTrainNDT

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