Moj ukupni blog filozofija je da je savršeno u redu blog o stara, naselili teme koje su pokrivene na smrt negdje drugdje. Pretpostavljam da je ova tema je jedna od onih, ali ja sam ga svejedno bloganje.
Radio sam na app store prozor, a ja sam na dijelu gdje trebam napraviti neke animiranje. U tom cilju, I’ve been figuring out bits and pieces of windows store app animation which, as it turns out, is quite close to, but not exactly like, XAML based animations in .NET (I’m still coming to grips with the fact that WinRT <> .NETO ).
This morning I wanted to get a handle on drag and drop operations. En route to that, I got bogged down moving a rectangle instead :). Here’s the code that moves a rectangle when the user clicks a button:
2: MatrixTransform ct = (MatrixTransform)rectBig.RenderTransform;
3: Matrix m = ct.Matrix;
4: m.OffsetX = 10;
5: m.OffsetY = 10;
6: ct.Matrix = m;
7: rectBig.RenderTransform = ct;
The trick here is that I can’t directly change OffsetX or OffsetY. There may be a more clever way of doing this (and if you know and feel like, please post in the comments).
In order to do this, I need to:
1. Get the MatrixTransform of the rectangle (by casting RenderTransform).
2. Get the Matrix of that guy.
3. Change the Matrix’s offsets.
4. Reassign the Matrix back to the MatrixTransform.
5. Reassign the MatrixTransform back to the Rectangle.
To test it, I put a rectangle and button the screen. When I click the button, the above logic executes and moves the rectangle immediately.
U nekom trenutku, I’d like to animate this but I have no idea how to get a DoubleAnimation to work on it (Storyboard.SetTargetProperty() is a mystery to me on this for the time being).
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