Spinning se Privremeni Virtual WFE je za zabavu i profit

Ja sam bio jedan od 20 ili 30 (ili možda 100?) panelista sinoć u New York SharePoint grupa korisnika meeting. Instead of the usual presentation format, to je sve o Q&A between the audience and the panel members. Early on, Michael Lotter me upoznao s novom idejom i ja sam htjela podijeliti.

An audience member described how his company had paid a consultant to write an application for his company. The consultant wrote it as a console application using the SharePoint object model. Kao rezultat toga, this meant that the program had to be run on a server in the farm. This meant that anyone that wanted to use the app would have to log onto the server, do the work and log off. Na početku, to nije bio problem, ali ubrzo, sve više i više (netehnički) users needed to use the utility. His question was (parafrazirajući):

"What are my options? I don’t want to keep letting users log directly onto the server, ali im je potrebno da se funkcionalnost."

Michael Lotter sugerirao da je konfigurirati novi virtualni stroj, join it to the farm as a WFE and let users run the application from there.

This is a pretty stunning idea for me. Generalizing this solution brings to mind the notion of essentially temporary, almost disposable WFE’s. I think it’s a pretty neat concept. This temporary WFE can run a console application that uses the SharePoint object model. You could also use it to run stsadm commands. It doesn’t have to be part of regular local balancing. If it goes down or gets wrecked, you can just spin up a new one. I repeat myself, ali moram reći da mislim da je stvarno uredan ideja.


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