Stavio sam gore SharePoint Designer Projekt proširenja gore u CodePlex ranije ove godine, a iako to je stvarno vrlo ograničen, Procjenjujem da je preuzet od strane 40 na 60 (možda čak i 100) companies in just about two months. That indicates to me that there’s a market for that solution and if I were to successfully commercialize it, što bi moglo prevesti u dobru količinu piva
Moja pozadina je zapravo mnogo više u razvoj proizvoda i znam što je potrebno da bi vrhunska proizvod, za razliku od projekta CodePlex hobby, to market. In my prošlih života?, Bio sam odgovoran za proizvod R&D for all software products. The difference between then and now is that I’m a consultant now working for an (odličan) konzultantska tvrtka (Conchango). Prethodno, Imao sam cijelu tvrtku iza mene i ispred mene, selling and supporting the products we brought to market. Danas, Ja bih bio sam.
Imam nekoliko proizvod ideje u umu, but I think the easiest would be to create a commercial version of the above-mentioned CodePlex project that uses that as a starting point and extends it further. My fuzzy off-the-cuff thinking is to charge something like $100 na neograničeno Developer licence i $500 per production web front end. I think I would also give away the source code.
Ako imate misli ili iskustva da ste spremni dijeliti, molimo ostavite komentar ili mi e-mail izravno. I’d like to hear opinions like:
- Je li sve to vrijedno?
- Praktični prijedlozi za marketing, prikupljanja novca, raspodjela.
- Cijene.
- Podržati.
- Svaki drugi komentar želite ostaviti.
It’s "easy" da se s ideja i proizvoda za njihovu provedbu, though many dozens of hours of work are required. The other stuff is not as easy for me.