Primijetiti: To je izvorno objavljena u
A few weeks ago I had the chance to speak at SharePoint Saturday in New York. Još jednom, a tremendous event. Ovaj puta, I spoke about “learning SharePoint” – a very broad topic. During the presentation (koji možete dobiti ovdje), Razgovarao sam o različitim tehnikama za "učenje" SharePoint, uključujući i stvari kao što je knjiga učenju, učionica obuke, kreiranje vlastite VM i što je najvažnije (meni), community participation. One way to participate in the SharePoint community is via blogging. Someone asked me about blogging in particular and asked my opinion on a few concerns he had that I’ve heard others mention before. It’s been itching at the back of my head for a few weeks so in my usual fashion, Ja sam grebanje taj svrab bloganje o tome.
Neki ljudi misle da su toliko kvalitetni blogeri vani na sceni danas i da su mnogi kvalitetni blog unosa je napisao da je u nekom smislu, there’s nothing new to write about. Ili, the “new” thing is so narrowly focused that it’s not going to be interesting to anyone. I don’t agree with those sentiments or the underlying assumption about them.
Za početak, Ako ste bloganje, jer to je dio vašeg osobnog pokušaj učenja i SharePoint, it’s really irrelevant if someone has written on your topic or not. One of the drivers behind community participation, da li je za osobnu učenja ili ne, je da potrebno da se to pravo. No one wants to put up some weak blog entry and look silly in front of the world. In the course of getting it right, idete razmišljati temu kroz više pažljivo, itd.. Thus, razmišljate, studiranja i obzirom ovu temu iz svih vrsta kutova, s lijeva na desno, gore prema dolje, iznutra i izvana (ili barem što bi trebao biti). That’s a very valuable exercise. Zapravo, it’s almost beside the point of pushing the “post” button by the time you finish writing it since you’ve already derived much of the benefit by now. Naravno, vi ne želite gurnuti poštanski gumb ionako za niz razloga, but I digress. The bottom line is that blogging is a valuable learning exercise in and of itself, razdoblje.
I also reject the “it’s already been done” argument. So what if it was? The terrible consequence is that people who are looking up your topic via bing will now find two or five or a dozen articles. Who cares? I always prefer to find several articles on the same topic when I go searching the tubes for stuff. Different points of view, različiti stilovi pisanja, different approaches to the same problem – they all help me understand what I need. In my opinion, Zajednica je nema gdje blizu postizanja točku zasićenja na dobrim člancima kvalitete blog o bilo kojoj temi u SharePoint svijetu.
Tako, blog u gostima! You won’t hear me complaining about it. I guarantee it
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I always encourage everyone I see because it’s always great to see how others see it and articulate it.