“Get ekki fá stefið lista dálki eign af SharePoint listi” — lýsing / vinna-arounds

Í þessari viku, við afrita loks vandamál sem hafði verið greint frá a fjarlægur notandi: Þegar hún reyndi að flytja efni af lista til að skara fram úr, það virðist að byrja að vinna, en þá Excel myndi skjóta upp villa: "Cannot get the list schema column property from the SharePoint list". She was running office 2003, windows XP and connecting to MOSS.

I searched the Internets and saw some speculation but nothing 100% definitive. Hence, þessa færslu.

The problem: Exporting a view to excel that contains a date (date = the data type of the column).

What worked for us: Convert the date to a "single line of text". Þá, convert it back to a date.

That solved it. It was nice to see that the conversion worked, actually. It was quite nervous that converting things this way would fail, but it did not.

This bug has thrown a huge shadow over the date data type in the client’s mind, so we’re going to be seeking out a definitive answer from Microsoft and hopefully I’ll post and update here in the next short period of time with their official answer and hotfix information.

Other references:




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4 hugsanir á "“Get ekki fá stefið lista dálki eign af SharePoint listi” — lýsing / vinna-arounds

  1. David Alexander
    Takk, its great to find out you are not alone in such matters. I am using a hosted Windows Sharepoint Service 3.0 with Excel 2003 and have exactly the same issue. My service provider also thought it was something to do with changing a column name as well. What ever the cause this calls into question the integrity of the microsoft platform management features that are meant to make it user friendly e.g. being able to change column names and all views and calculations are adjusted behind the scenes to the new name, it seems there is a bug in the system that does not correctly update schemas where Excel download is concerned.
    The fix you describe about converting it too text is just not practical for an end user system each time someone wants to download, the dates drive many of the views and calculation the users use in the systems we work with.
    I will ask the service provider to try the hotfix
    Thanks again for flagging it
  2. (ekkert nafn) skrifaði:
    Sjá KB 941422, Description of the Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 post-Service Pack 1 hotfix package: Janúar 31, 2008. It appears to have a fix for this issue, but I have not had a chance to verify.
    From the KB:
    This hotfix package also fixes the following issues that were not previously documented in a Microsoft Knowledge Base article:

    Error message when you try to export a custom list: "Cannot get the list schema column property from the SharePoint list"

    The DATE field requirement is changed in a custom list on a Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 Web site. If you try to export the custom list to a spreadsheet, Microsoft Excel starts, and a workbook that contains the data does not appear. Additionally, you receive the following error message:

    Get ekki fá stefið lista dálki eign af SharePoint listi.
  3. Corey
    We’ve also seen this issue, and it appears that it’s not just a date column and Office 2k3. It looks like it’s a date column that’s been renamed. What we’ve done here is to create a view that doesn’t include the renamed date column and use that to export to Excel 2k3.

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