Í staðinn fyrir SharePoint Shop Talk fundur fimmtudaginn, my partners and I at Arcovis are teaming up with Cloud Aðferðir og Integrated Systems og þjónusta Group to give what I hope will be an interesting presentation on Microsoft’s online services, með áherslu á framleiðni Business Online Suite (BPOs). Arcovis actually uses BPOS for its internal SharePoint portal so we have some hands on experience and the kind of experience borne of daily use. Í raun, the demo itself is running in our very own BPOS environment.
Þú getur read all the gory sales details here but the main points are:
Ég ætla að gefa lifandi kynningu og ég held að það ætti að vera áhugavert í sjálfu sér, skildu í heild ský / online thing. I’m going to describe a very common business process, hið fræga New Hire / On-boarding process. I’ll demonstrate a solution that uses SharePoint to implement that process. The demo will include notifications, A mælaborð og bara almennt flott skyggni við hvað er að gerast með nýráðningar.
Ég hef persónulega til framkvæmda þessa lausn fyrir þremur aðskildum fyrirtækjum, so I know it’s a pretty common process that people like to automate using SharePoint. With luck, Arcovis will be using this ourselves soon enough
Svo, ef þú hefur haft áhuga á computing ský frá mjög hagnýtum SharePoint sjónarhorn, this webinar is just what you need to do this Thursday
Skráðu þig hér: https://www323.livemeeting.com/lrs/8000043750/Registration.aspx?pageName=1dcgz55vlpm0psn3
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