Ég skrifaði upp grein fyrir www.sharepoint.briefing.com sem ber yfirskriftina "Innleiða Global Pop-up tilkynningarkerfi." Þessi aðgerð var framkvæmd fyrir Community College til að senda skólanum closings vegna snjó og svo framvegis.
Það notar sérsniðna lista, út af the kassi SharePoint vefur þjónustu og sumir jQuery að vinna verk.
Hér er beitu:
Lesa the heild hlutur hér: http://www.sharepointbriefing.com/features/article.php/3918471/Implement-a-Global-Pop-up-Notification-System.htm
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hiya, paul great write up,,, We are hopefully going to use what you have done here but put a check on it. eg.. If a member of “Contractors Group” show pop up.. I was wondering if you could publish here your source as a txt or on the screen, as on spbreifing it is a picture and I really don’t want to re-type everythign
Call me lazy …