I wrote up a detailed article a few weeks ago describing how to create a SharePoint Designer workflow that sends a task reminder email on a daily basis. It’s been published at the new SharePoint Magazine საიტი. More generally, სტატიაში გვიჩვენებს როგორ შევქმნათ looping სტრუქტურა SPD.
The magazine has a wide variety of articles including, სხვა საკითხებთან, very technical stuff, interviews and industry news. I recommend you add it to your RSS feed.
If you have a product or service to sell, I’d also consider advertising on the site. It’s off to a strong start with several thousand pairs of eyes looking at it already. That’s sure to grow.
და ბოლოს, if you’ve been itching to write something and get it out in front of a larger audience, this is a great time and place to scratch it.
Hi! Will you ever be publishing your SharePoint Daily Task Reminders article on here or elsewhere? Seems like SharePoint Magazine is down or gone…..
I know this comment is veru old. I’m going to dig around for it. I think that it is a lot less needed these these days and may not be relevant given all the changes in SharePoint Designer.
Hi პოლ,
I couldn’t found the so called “SharePoint Magazine site.” due to issue with Microsoft. Can you send me any other source or your solution via email about “Emailing ყოველდღიური სამუშაო შეგახსენებთ // Looping in SharePoint დიზაინერი სამუშაოს”, გთხოვთ?