UPDATE (04/08/08): I seem to have solved this problem. From the command line, I ran "c:\fenestrae system32 lodctr / R" ut per ingressum solvi de InstallShield mihi videtur esse quaestionum.
Animadverto quod nuper, my desktop/server fan never turns off. I know it used to turn off. I took a moment to check it out noticed that the a VMware process was running a consistent 20% utilization on one of the CPU’s. I checked the event log and saw these errors in the application log happening dozens of times per minute:
Non aggravat contra fenestras extensible DLL UGatherer, Primum section DWORD in notitia est Fenestra Erroris Codicis.
Non aggravat contra fenestras extensible DLL UGTHRSVC, Primum section DWORD in notitia est Fenestra Erroris Codicis.
Non aggravat contra fenestras extensible DLL MSSCNTRS, Primum section DWORD in notitia est Fenestra Erroris Codicis.
Si ex iis mandatis in exercitio singulis, Feror:
Source: Perflib
Typus: Errorem
Praedicamento: Nulla
ID eventu 1023
I did some research and there was some indication it could be a permission problem in terms of access to the DLLs in question. I played around with that stuff but could not affect things in a positive way so I gave up on that.
VMware fuerant de me iugiter facientes update satis temporis, ita raptim annotaui scedulis versionem iam installed (apparently "1.0.1 build 29996") and did the update. This upgraded me to v1.04. Miserabile, non determinet eventum.
I can stop the insane number of messages going to my application log if I shut down a service named "VMware Authorization Service". This prevents me from using the VMware software, ita … not such a great option.
Fenestra XP operating ratio est hostia 64 frenum.
Non opinor factum hoc semper, Non memini, sed ad hoc ut aliquid rei.
Hoc est cur oderim computers.
Hi sunt tium Desktop Fenestra Quaerere…. hic est aliquid utile info. Facillimum factu est amoveas restituo… vel vos can tendo quae infra recensentur in links.
Jam re-descripserunt msscntrs.dll
Hoc insinuat quod sit conjunctio WDS causando eventum
Nisi desuper nectunt
"Event ID: 1023
Source eventu: Perflib
Typus eventu: Errorem
Event Description: Non aggravat contra fenestras extensible DLL MSSCNTRS primum section DWORD in notitia est Fenestra Erroris Codicis.
Non aggravat contra fenestras extensible DLL UGatherer primum section DWORD in notitia est Fenestra Erroris Codicis.
Non aggravat contra fenestras extensible DLL UGTHRSVC primum section DWORD in notitia est Fenestra Erroris Codicis.
Comment: Nisi forte post adaequationis nostri permutationem server (Hub et CAS) cum Fenestra Update. Nos animadverto ut Fenestra quaero installatus fuit cum updates.
Quaerere uninstalling fenestras V4.0 solvitur eventum. "
Donec eu dui lobortis tibi quam restituere… sed quod longe ante vos… findstr drivername currunt. ini et vide quid ostendo sursum in album…. verbigratia
C:\FENESTRIS system32>findstr auriga * nomen. ini
esentprf.ini:Auriga name = ESENT
iasperf.ini:drivername = IAS
mqperf.ini:drivername = MSMQ
msdtcprf.ini:Auriga name = MSDTC
ntdsctrsini:drivername = NTDS
ntfrscon.ini:drivername = FileReplicaConn
ntfrsrep.ini:Auriga name = FileReplicaSet
perfci.ini:drivername = ContentIndex
perffilt.ini:drivername = ContentFilter
perfwci.ini:drivername = ISAPISearch
pschdprf.ini:auriga name = PSched
rasctrs.ini:drivername = RemoteAccess
tslabels.ini:drivername = TermService
Ut potest… hoc buxum non ostendunt perfectione calculis onustos ita non requiritur extrueret… tantum run lodctr gthrctr.ini
et lodctr gsrvctr.ini.