Plures menses, dum operantes in consilium enim a client, I created a feature. Among other things, quod pluma definitur consuetudo actio (apparent sub site occasus). The only purpose for this custom action was to demonstrate to me that the feature activation was working as expected. Basically, Ego usus ut a rudis forma debugging.
Multo ad mea confusioni, hoc debugging artificium fecit a Dev ad UAT et ad productionem ante aliquis obtinuit circa ad petens, "Quid est hoc xyzzy pagina?"
Iam, Nulla sit amet enim et nolle uninstall pluma, fix elements.xml and then reinstall.
Todd Bleaker pointed out an easy way to handle it. In his words:
"CustomActions sunt non transtulerunt in database, leguntur directe a Elements.xml file et transtulerunt in application statu ad runtime. Ita, non opus ad deactivate, uninstall, restituo, et Nulla Feature ad tollere CustomAction. Iustus auferre a Elements.xml file et redivivus applicationem stagnum(s) efficitur. Nunc dicendum est in sequenti tempore, non videre CustomAction ultra."
Secutus mandatis et, utique, operantur.
In meam, this is a department level installation with just a single WFE. If you find yourself with this problem in future and with multiple WFE’s, Credo in singulis habebis transferre.