Twitter is a very odd duck. I’ve been using Twitter for a little over a month and in some indefinable way, it’s almost as important to me as email. I find myself vaguely unsettled if I wait too long before looking over what others are twittering about. I get annoyed at Twitter’s occasional performance problems because it means I’m missing out. I get a little puff of excitement when I see a new Woot announcement.
Suus 'vere quod ita sit aedificator in communitate rei complementum blogs forums privatam quidem facie ad faciem conventibus.
In ultimo mense,, Ego temptaui quatiens secuti unius hominis a frigus dum conatur uteretur Seder.
I’ve learned personal detail about many folks I mainly "know" per blogs — ubi degunt, genere opus in exertus sunt, quod habeant opera / familia exitibus ut curo sicut me.
Unius matris Transierunt … a sad event for sure. But sharing that fact changes and enhances the character of the whole experience.
Suus 'iustus ut personalis effercio.
There’s more to it than that. It’s also another medium for sharing ideas, saepius puto, seeking help. Throw a question up on Twitter and you’re never left hanging and the responses typically arrive within minutes.
Si non probatur illam, you should really give it a go.
Respice in me exaltábis
I couldn’t agree more
Audistis de suo frigido realis tempus quaerere twitter. Type in ‘SharePoint’ et videte quis arguta!