Windows Live Spaces doesn’t do a good job protecting me from comment spam. I assume MSFT has good spam detection, but that the spammers are better. The fact remains, autem, ut multo mihi quam ego spam comments adepto realis comments et ego eram iustus reputo EGO eram iens in in septimana vel ut disable comments.
Autem, hodie, Inveni duos optimos comments dicendam post haec (Finitus de Access) et post haec (quaero de limitandi ad documenta, ut opponitur folders). Those comments are so complementary (adde quod amet pretium nostrum), I can’t see disabling comments and thereby closing off that avenue of useful information. Ita, Ive 'abdicavit me esse hominem spam Auceps / cleaner. Live spaces does provide a pretty decent way to clean up comments, sed qui facit quod vult ad dissipabit tempus?
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