Update: The format for this is basically a conference call with a couple of PPT slides to set the stage. We have a SharePoint environment on stand by to fire up in case it helps out, but this is mainly people talking out loud. There will be opportunities for follow up by email.
Going back to my first ever SharePoint conference, just over a year ago, I’ve been struck by how terrific a live Q&A session can be. The conference organizers had put together a sort of ad hoc group of “experts” (i.e. people who were hanging around and weren’t afraid of looking to silly up on stage) to answer any questions that came from the audience in the room. It was in my head back then, and periodically since then, to host a similar session but do it on line and the phone. I don’t think it can be as good as an in-person Q&A session, but I think it could be pretty cool.
I finally got around to it and next Thursday, 07/30, my company (Arcovis) and business partner, Integrated Systems and Services group, will be hosting a Q&A like that. I’m hoping to do these regularly, as often as weekly.
This inaugural session will probably be a little bumpy, but the concept is this:
- If you have questions that you’d like to have answered during the session, just show up and ask.
- If you want, you can email the question in advance.
We plan to spend the first half of the Q&A on emailed questions and then open it up to anything that anyone asks after that.
The session takes place on Thursday, 07/30 starting at 12:30 and ending at 1:30 PM EDT.
Si tu interest, kindly register here: https://www323.livemeeting.com/lrs/8000043750/Registration.aspx?pageName=pxlsd9fpsm2md7h9
The panel will include me and other SharePoint luminaries. You’ll have to sign up to find out who they are
If you’d like to be one of those luminaries for a future Q&A session, let me know.
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