Ultima septimana, Eram opus sicco quam ansam veniat et implement a statu apparatus et dixi metienda usura SharePoint, ut seorsum, quod fortasse scribere blog post melius de workflow logging.
Bene, Sanjeev Rajput beat me to it. Spectemus.
Salvis stipes in morem notitia usura album videtur superior regularis history workflow:
- Suus iustus a consuetudine album, sic vos can patefacio quod excellere facillime.
- Te potest creare views, spurcamen notitia vitaliter, etc.
- Suus non subduntur auto-expurget cum vos adepto ordinarius workflow history.
Sunt pericula / downsides:
- Multi currebant cum workflows logging multum nimis notitia scribi possent numero.
- Maybe you *do* want automatic purging. You don’t get that feature with this approach (sine coding).
- Security is tricky. In order to write to the list, the user must have permission to do so. That means that it’s probably not suitable for any kind of "official" audit since the user could discover the list and edit it. This could be overcome with some custom programming.
Technorati Tags: SharePoint Workflow