Vivos et Securus: Send Email SMTP Servo in usura Gmail. NET C #

Hic locus non omnino novam, sed cum id opus, I found a lot of “why won’t this work for me” and not too many direct answers. I hope someone finds this useful.

Sequenti frenum of code mittam an email usura Gmail meo ut faciam illud, possidet attachiamenta:

usura System.Net.Mail;
usura System.Net;

NetworkCredential loginInfo = novum NetworkCredential("[My Gmail ID]", "[My Gmail Password]");
MailMessage msg = novum MailMessage();
msg.From = novum MailAddress("[M Gmail Id]");
msg.To.Add(novum MailAddress(""));
msg.Subject = "Test infopath dev subject";
msg.Body = "<html><corpus><strong>A strong message.</strong></corpus></html>";
msg.IsBodyHtml = verum;

foreach (filum aFile in NIPFD.GetAttachmentNamesAndLocations())
    msg.Attachments.Add(novum Attachment(aFile));
} // Adding attachments.

SmtpClient client = novum SmtpClient("");
client.EnableSsl = verum;
client.UseDefaultCredentials = falsum;
client.Credentials = loginInfo;
client.Port = 587;
client.EnableSsl = verum;

A few key bits that slowed me down and other observations / notes:

  • The first line that creates the loginInfo object needs to use the gmail ID stripped of “". Ita, if my gmail email address is “” and my password is “xyzzy” then the line would look like:

NetworkCredential loginInfo = novum NetworkCredential("sharepoint", "Xyzzy");

  • My gmail account is set up to use SSL and that wasn’t a problem.
  • There is some conflicting information out there on what port to use. I used port 587 and it worked fine for me.
  • In meam, I also needed to send attachments. That NIPFD object has a method that knows where my attachments are. It’s returning a fully path (e.g. “c:\temp\attachment1.jpg”. In my test, I had two attachments and they both worked fine.

I used visual studio 2008 to write this code.


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2 cogitationes on "Vivos et Securus: Send Email SMTP Servo in usura Gmail. NET C #

  1. Jeff

    The PowerShell Team blog recently had a similar post that I found invaluable as a server admin. Visual Studio is great but many of my peers are not developers and don’t have a license purchased. PowerShell feels more like the command line and is more accessible to them. Just a suggestion for any admins out there.

    Jeff ( / @spjeff)

    Sending Automated emails with Send-MailMessage


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