Nos emit primi (et tantum) "Luxuria" car back when hurricane Floyd nailed the east coast of the U.S. We got a LOT of rain here in New Jersey and plures dies before life returned to normal. Just before Floyd struck, nos fecit offer pro usus Volvo 850 GL et post Floyd percussit, expulit domum.
It was our first car with a CD player. Like most new car owners, nos abiit paulo CD insanit, revived our dormant CD collection and went on long drives just to listen to CD’s in the car. Like all fads, this passed for us and we ended listening to the same CD over and over again. In nobis, erat Jesus Christus Superstar.
De (multis) egregie frusta in quod petram Opera cantatur per instauratione religionis genera, ductus Caiaphas, the "High Priest". They sing their way into deciding how to handle the "Jesus problem" and Caiaphas directs them to the conclusion that "Jesus must die". The refrain on the song is "Just must die, Oportet, Oportet, this Jesus must die". You hear that refrain a lot in that piece.
Ad tempus, my son was about three years old. You can probably see where this is going.
I came home from work one day and my son is in the living room playing with toys and humming to himself. I’m taking off my jacket, vultus per mail et omnes more ambulant-in-in-ostium effercio et subito animadverto quod iusta dicens, non vere cantantes: "Jesus oportet mori, Oportet, must die." I was mortified. I could just see him doing that while on one of his baby play dates at a friend’s house — probabiliter ultimum fabula date cum quod infantem amicus.
We pulled that CD out of the Volvo after that