Наоѓање на Велика SharePoint Талент

Тука е уште една статија напишав за доброто на луѓето на SharePoint Брифинг entitled “Finding Great SharePoint Talent”. The article tries to give some advice on how to find truly good and well-experienced people when you’re looking to expand your staff.

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Една мисла на "Наоѓање на Велика SharePoint Талент

  1. Кристоф

    My two cents: talent is not just about experience on a specific platform. After all, nobody has more than ten years experience on SharePoint.
    If you have AJAX experience, you can make a good SharePoint 2010 designer, maybe better than somebody who worked on SharePoint 2007 за 3 години. And if you are a BPM expert, this can be very valuable with the new Visio-SharePoint integration.

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