Din id-darba aħħar ġimgħa, I kien f'Montreal, jattendu l rakkomandat ħafna Summit SharePoint 2009. I gave a 3.5 hour tutorial on installing and customizing SharePoint. It was a scary subject on many levels. I’m not really a SharePoint admin, imma naf biżżejjed biex jagħti tutorja dwar is-suġġett. (Thankfully, Geoff Schaller minn Għanijiet Software fl-Awstralja, fost ftit oħrajn, kien fil-folla li tirrispondi għal ċerti mistoqsijiet fil-fond [I do not know dak li jitniżżlu fil-baħar stabbiliti hemmhekk, imma għandna bżonn xi wħud hawn fl-Istati Uniti]).
Iżda, back to many levels of scariness… It had a lot of potential to be very boring. I actually installed WSS and then upgraded it to MOSS. In front of a room full of people. Canadian poeple. There were long 5 u 7 minute gaps where we were watching the installation process chug along. I needed to fill that time with something useful and interesting. I’m not sure I succeeded.
Fl-aħħarnett, it was loooong. Three and one half hours. That’s a long presentation. I made a little joke of it, saying “We have a long presentation ahead of us. Three and one half hours. That’s 210 minuti. And I don’t even know how many minutes that is in Canadian.”
Kulħadd laughed u bħala riżultat, Montreal is officially on my Good Places list
Anki li kieku ma laughed Joke tiegħi, I would love Montreal. I try very hard to be open minded and not take my cues from South Park, imma jien nammetti, li chagrin tiegħi, that I had no idea how great is the metropolis of Montreal. I can’t wait to go back in a few months, meta huwa ftit aktar sħan, li jżuru mill-ġdid.
Fuq tip ta 'nota relatata, I sib ukoll permezz Erik Swenson ta ewwel preżentazzjoni pubblika intitolata "IA u Branding Proċess: Skeċċijiet għal wireframes lil Disinni Hi-fedeltà. " (Erik huwa EMC kollega tiegħi). Check out the abstract here: http://www.sharepointsummit2009.com/conference_day2.htm. I anke rreġistrati lilha għall għalih. I tried several times for some “action shots” and zoomed in on him when he paused to drink some water. I didn’t always succeed, but I tried
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Kien tajjeb li catchup miegħek f'Montreal għalkemm fil-qosor. Ara inti fil-SPS DC