Bħala parti minn sforz għaddejjin biex jitgħallmu l-dettalji tekniċi ta 'livell baxx ta' SharePoint 2010, Stajt ħolqot "SharePoint Explorer"Tip ta 'għodda. L-idea mhix xi ħaġa ġdida. I użati dan il-proġett aktar minn darba: http://sharepointexplorer.codeplex.com/. Idea tiegħi huwa li tinħoloq verżjoni SharePoint li juża partijiet tal-web konnessi biex juru d-dettall kollu ta 'livell baxx li l-mudell oġġett jistgħu jipprovdu.
Dan blog post jservi kemm avviż tal-proġett kif ukoll sejħa għall-voluntiera. Jekk int interessat fil-ħidma dwar dan il-proġett, let me know via email (galvin.paul @ gmail.com) u aħna inneħħu xogħol out.
Hawn hu l-proġett: http://sp2010explorer.codeplex.com/
Follow lili Twitter fi http://www.twitter.com/pagalvin
Love the effort and it’s a good idea of trying to show everything the Sharepoint Object Model has to offer – but why would I use this over the Sharepoint Manager? http://spm.codeplex.com/
Right now I would see it as a playground to see how to access e.g. SPList and all of its properties, but really digging for information about all document libraries I have on my Sharepoint? I would use Sharepoint Manager.
Sorry for never replying. You’re right. It was meant to be a learning project and not really going to be a thing that would compete with an established tool like that. I never progressed it much.