Kkonfigurat Teżawru fil MOSS

Jien jaħdmu fuq dokument rieżami tal-arkitettura din il-ġimgħa u dan jissuġġerixxi, fost affarijiet oħra, that the client consider using the thesaurus to help improve the end user search experience. Having never done this myself, I wanted to do a quick hands-on test so that my suggestion is authentic.

Hija saret sorprendentement diffiċli biex insemmu kif jagħmlu, għalkemm huwa, fil-fatt, quite easy. There’s a pretty good bit of information on the thesaurus (check hawn u hawn, per eżempju). Madankollu, dawk docs huma jew WSS 2.0 / SPS 2003 oriented or they don’t actually spell out what do to after you’ve made your changes in the thesaurus. They provide a great overview and fair bit of detail, iżda mhux biżżejjed biex jaqsmu l-linja finitura.

Dawn il-passi ħadem għalija:

  1. Make the changes to the thesaurus. (Ara hawn taħt għal nota importanti)
  2. Go to the server and restart the "Office SharePoint Server Search" servizz.

A ponta ta 'l hat biex Mr. J. D. Wade (bijo). He provided the key bit about restarting the search service and rescued me from endless, time consuming and unnecessary iisresets and full index crawls. This episode juri, għal darb'oħra, li Twitter is the awesome. (Follow lili twitter hawn. I follow any SharePoint person that follows me).

I don’t know if this functionality is available in WSS. If it is or is not, jekk jogħġbok leave kumment jew email me u jien ser taġġorna din il-kariga.

Nota importanti: There’s conflicting information on which XML thesaurus file to change. There’s this notion of "tsneu.xml" as being the "neutral" Teżawru. I wasted some time working with that one. Fil-każ tiegħi, I needed to change the "tsenu.xml" fajl jinsabu taħt il-folder ta 'l-ID app innifsu: \\win2003srv c $ Program Files Microsoft Office Servers 12.0 Data Office Server Applikazzjonijiet 3c4d509a-75c5-481c-8bfd-099a89554e17\Config. I assume that in a multi-farm situation, inti tagħmel din il-bidla kullimkien server query runs.


Abbona għall-blog tiegħi.

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