The client noticed a bug today with the above mentioned template.
Course managers create courses. When creating a course, il-maniġer tispeċifika numru ta 'postijiet disponibbli.
The template provides for self-service enrollment. I enroll and a workflow attached to the registration list decrements the "available seats" assoċjati ma 'dak il-kors.
Individuals may also unregister from a course. The bug lies here. Unregistering from a course does not increment the available seats counter. Bħala riżultat, available seats is not accurate. This bug is compounded by the fact that when available seats decrements to zero, mhux aktar reġistrazzjoni self-service huwa permess.
Fortunatament, Microsoft provides the workflow for this process. Even better, huwa workflow straight-quddiem maħluqa permezz SharePoint Designer.
Segwi dawn il-passi ta 'livell għoli biex jiffissaw dan:
- Fire up SDP.
- Aċċess għas-sit bbażata off-mudell taħriġ.
- Access "Attendee unregistration" workflow.
- Daħħal dawn il-passi (I magħmula minnhom l-ewwel żewġ passi):
- Ikkalkula Korsijiet:Seats Mimlijin minus 1 (Output biex Varjabbli:calc)
- (imbagħad) Aġġornament oġġett Korsijiet
Ikklikkja Finish u qed isir.
Screen shots:
SharePoint Designer:
Workflow lest:
Ikkalkula drill-down:
Aġġornament oġġett fil Korsijiet:
Hi Paul. Thaks għall-istazzjonar tiegħek dwar din il-kwistjoni. I japprezzaw dan. I ma jsibu difett ieħor għalkemm. Meta utent unregisters minn kors, il-proċess unregistration mhuwiex għażla tal-annotazzjoni fil-lista korrett li tħassar. Minflok għażla tal-annotazzjoni fil-lista li taqbel mal-identifikazzjoni tal-oġġett magħżula fuq il-paġna Korsijiet My taġġorna l-ewwel dħul fil-lista Reġistrazzjonijiet irrispettivament mill-utent jew il-klassi. Xi ideat dwar kif jikkoreġu din il-kwistjoni?
I want to send a unregistration confirmation email when an individual unregisters. How do I set up this workflow without ruining finally get the unregistration available seats to work? Please help.
Sorry for never responding. I lost track of some of comments during blog moves and jobs. I hope you were able to get this working.