Tagħlim Dwar utenti finali bi www.EndUserSharePoint.com

Mark Miller fuq medda ta ' http://www.endusersharepoint.com bniet, fl-esperjenza tiegħi, the best end-user focused SharePoint site in the ‘sphere. Fl-aħħar xahar, he has enlisted some of the premier end-user focused bloggers around to contribute to the "front page" fuq bażi regolari, inklużi iżda mhux limitati għal Paul Culmsee, Chris Quick, u Dessie Lunsford. He has others lined up and ready to contribute as their schedules allow.

I qabża fuq l-opportunità li jipparteċipaw u post inawgurali tiegħi huwa hawnhekk. I’m writing a series on how to use SharePoint Designer to create first-class business workflow solutions. In keeping with the EUSP.com’s focus, dawk l-artikoli dejjem se żżomm l quddiem Utent Tmiem u center.

I personalment tendenza li jaqsam id-dinja SharePoint fi tliet gruppi wesgħin: SharePoint consultants, full-time SharePoint staff developers and end users. When I write, I spiss jistaqsu myself, liema minn dawn il-gruppi jistgħu jkunu interessati fis-suġġett? Most often, I jispiċċaw bil-miktub għall-ewwel tnejn (tekniku) gruppi, prinċipalment għaliex jien konsulent myself; it’s always easier and more authentic to write about those things with which you’re most familiar on a personal level.

Kif stajt nnotat qabel, il-komunità utent aħħari huwa ferm, far larger than the technical community. EUSP.com is top-notch and I heartily recommend it to all three groups. The site’s laser focus is obviously valuable to end users. Madankollu, we developers and consultants can only be better at our profession if we can understand and effectively respond to the needs of the end users we serve. I know I need all the help I can get 🙂 Iċċekkjaha.


Abbona għall-blog tiegħi.

Wieħed ħasbu dwar "Tagħlim Dwar utenti finali bi www.EndUserSharePoint.com

  1. Bob Fox
    A fine site indeed but you fail to mention other resources out there as well such as Robert Bogues "SharePoint Shepard" which focuses directly on End User and the SharePoint Training Kit that MSFT put out a while back. That too deals with End Users and Administrators alike and can be placed on a SharePoint Site as well as a download for users to look at on there individual desktops.
    Bob Fox [MVP SharePoint Server]

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