Dan huwa post ieħor tiegħi serje għaddejjin dwar kif tuża jQuery ma SharePoint.
Jekk inti tixtieq titgħallem aktar dwar jQuery, I jirrakkomanda ħafna: jQuery fl-Azzjoni billi Bear Bibeault u Yehuda Katz.
Preċedentement, I wrote about how to use jQuery to locate and hide a text field on a form. I didn’t care for the specific approach (I was chaining parents – that’s simply isn’t done these days, at least in families of quality).
When I first started to think about it, I knew I needed to find a <TR> to which I could invoke the hide() metodu. My early effort to find the correct <TR> was something like this:
$('tr:has(input[title = Hide Me!])");
The problem with that is that it would find every <TR> tag that had any parent relationship to the Hide Me! qasam, even if Hide Me! is nested many levels deep in <TR>’s. It turns out that on my sandbox form, that expression finds 9 different TR’s who have Hide Me! as a child somewhere in its DOM tree. I realized that I could walk back up the tree from the input field itself, so that’s how I ended up abusing parents, but it didn’t sit well with me.
I gave some thought to this and one of the things I read finally made sense: I could use the not() method to trim out <TR>’s I don’t want in my wrapped set. Li wasslitni sabiex dan:
$('tr:has(input[title = Hide Me!])").not('tr:has(tr)").hide();
The first bit finds all the <TR> tags that have the Hide Me! field anywhere in their own hierarchy. It then strips out any <TR> that also have a child <TR>. This leaves us with a single <TR> that:
1) Has no <TR> child records
2) Does have the input field as child.
We can then apply the hide() method to the resulting set and we’re done.
I’m still a bit nervous about this, but not as nervous as chaining parents.
I don’t know if this is a best practice or not. There may be a more appropriate way of identifying just the <TR> that we care about in a SharePoint form. If you know, jekk jogħġbok post kumment.
Follow lili Twitter fi http://www.twitter.com/pagalvin
Hi Paul,
Paul Culmsee of Clever Workarounds wrote an article about exactly the same issue (finding the correct TR to hide a field) using plain JavaScript, not jQuery. He found an universal way to find the TR to hide, it’s at the end of this blogpost : http://www.cleverworkarounds.com/2008/02/07/more-sharepoint-branding-customisation-using-javascript-part-1/
tama dan jgħin,
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