Jien jitkellem fil- SharePoint-Aħjar Prattiki konferenza f'Novembru.
It’s sort of a funny story. I was in Virginia presenting at the Konferenza SUGDC and that Friday was the deadline to submit speaking proposals for the BP conference. The organizers described how they would use a "blind selection" proċess u li kull sforz ser jittieħed biex tagħżel preżentazzjoni fuq il-bażi tal-valur tagħha, eċċ. To maximize my chances of getting selected, I submitted two proposals. The selection committee picked both.
Kollega tiegħi (Natalya Voskresenskaya) and I will discuss a real-world governance model that we and our client put together for a substantial SharePoint rollout project last summer. The objective here is to describe the details of the governance plan and why we believe it represents best practices in the context of Sharepoint, Governanza u l-kumpaniji simili.
Tieni, I will present a process for obtaining great business requirements from End Users. This goes back to one of my very early blog posts, inaptly titolat "MOSS: Introduzzjoni effettiv lil Organizzazzjoni".
Din il-konferenza jistenna li jkun crazily sħiħa ta 'informazzjoni kbir u I jirrakkomanda ħafna dmugħ yourself bogħod mix-xogħol tiegħek għal tlett ijiem, jingħaqdu fl fuq dawn il-preżentazzjonijiet u netwerking ma 'kemm attendew konferenza u kelliema. It will be time and money well spent.
Hope to see you there
Just ippreżentat it-talba tiegħi biex jattendu dan l-pumijiet hekk nittama li nara int hemm!