Use the "Collect Data from User" action to create and assign a task to a user that prompts them for data. Among other things, Stajt użati biex fil-pront lill-utent biex japprovaw jew jiċħdu talba u jidħol xi kummenti.
Din l-azzjoni tieħu l-forma ta ':
Iġbor data minn dan l-utent (Output biex Varjabbli: collect1)
Tikklikkjaw fuq data jiġbed up serje ta 'kaxxi dialog fejn inti tispeċifika liema data l-utent għandhom jipprovdu meta titlesta l-kompitu u dan l-utent huwa ovvju.
Il-parti output (Varjabbli: collect1) saves the ID of the task. You use this in your workflow to extract the user’s actual response via the "Compare any data source" condition.
Din il-kundizzjoni turi kif
Jekk qasam ugwali valur
Ikklikkja fuq qasam u allura l-f(x) icon and it pulls up another dialog box. Use this generalized dialog box to to tell SPD two things;
1. What is the list and column whose value you want to compare.
2. Kif għandha l-magna workflow jillokalizza l-ringiela speċifiku f'dik il-lista?
Biex tagħmel dan:
- Change the "Source" dropdown to point at the correct task list. Note that the dialog box expands to show a "Find the List Item" taqsima.
- Fil-qasam Dettalji Lookup dropdown, tagħżel l-isem tal-qasam li l-valur trid (dan mapep għal dak li jissejjaħ fil-Iġbor dialog box data minn fuq).
- In the "Find the List Item" taqsima, select "Tasks:ID" fil-Qasam dropdown.
- Fil-qasam tal-valur, ikklikkja fuq il-f(x). This opens yet another dialog box.
- Change the source "Workflow Data"
- Select the workflow variable that matches to the "Output to Variable" mill-azzjoni data Iġbor.
- Ikklikkja OK / OK u qed isir.
Jidher qisu dan għalija:
F'dan il-punt, inti issa tista 'tuża dak il-valur fil-fluss tax-xogħol tiegħek kif meħtieġ.
Noti Addizzjonali:
Bħala qasira aside, I always create an appropriately named workflow variable of type "List Item ID" and use that instead of the auto-generated "collect1".
This "compare any data source" dialog sett huwa użat f'diversi postijiet differenti fil SPD u huwa ukoll jiswa nikkontrollaw.
== Aħħar
Għandi problema istess bħal samuel.
PS: I experince din il-problema Tork applikazzjoni Sharepoint lingwa għall-utenti kollha. Madankollu, fl-applikazzjoni Ingliż m'hemmx kwistjoni bħal din.
Tista PLS tgħarrafni dwar din il-problema u s-soluzzjoni tiegħek.
Grazzi bil-quddiem.
Kind Iqis.
Free KOC
I want to add two columns from an existing form library into "Collect data from user" action rather than adding a new column so that when the approver opens the "Collect data from user" Tip kontenut, he should be able to see those two column values from existing form library in to that "Collect data from user" tip kontenut biss. Huwa possibbli?
Għandi estratti-data mdaħħla mill-utent, but I am having trouble updating the task with a meaningful name. Using SharePoint designer, l-isem huwa dejjem l-istess, I want it to contain the name of the document being reviewed. I even added an additional field to the task list to hold this, but I don’t know how to get it populated with the name of the document I am running the workflow on. The built in workflow does this automatically (iżda ma tagħmel l-affarijiet oħra I bżonn)
Il xogħlijiet kbir għal ħafna utenti, but some users receive an email with "?????" bħala l-valur magħżul. This should be impossible, because I selected "Approved" bħala l-għażla default.
I ġew ittestjati dan workflow permezz A PC virtwali mill emulating diversi utenti li kellhom din il-problema (I iffirmat fil MOSS 2007 bħala l-Utent bil-problema). When I check the assigned tasks for that user, I open and select Approve/Declined and then Complete Task. This will cause the "?????" kwistjoni email. (Ara hawn fuq)
NOTA: I am correctly assigning the values to a variable named "List Item ID" u korrett referenzar fil-email.
Xi ideat?