Fuq il-forum tfittxija MSDN, nies spiss jistaqsu mistoqsija bħal dan:
"I have a document named ‘Programming Guide’ but when I search for ‘Pro’ tfittxija ma jsibuha."
Huwa ma jistax jħossu bhalu, but that amounts to a wildcard search. The MOSS/WSS user interface does not support wildcard search out of the box.
Jekk inti ħaffer fil-partijiet tal-web tiftix, inti ser issib Checkbox, "Enable search term stemming". Stemming is a human-language term. It’s not a computer language substring() funzjoni tip.
Dawn huma xi zkuk:
- "fish" is a stem to "fishing"
- "major" is a stem to "majoring"
Dawn mhumiex zkuk:
- "maj" is not a stem to "major"
- "pro" is not a stem to "programmer"
The WSS/MOSS search engine does support wild card search through the API. Here is one blog article that describes how to do that: http://www.dotnetmafia.com/blogs/dotnettipoftheday/archive/2008/03/06/how-to-use-the-moss-enterprise-search-fulltextsqlquery-class.aspx
A prodott parti 3, Ontolica, provides wild card search. I have not used that product.
Ontolica hija parti web ppruvata li żżid capabilites tiftix Wildcard madwar tfittxijiet kollha Sharepoint. Uħud mill-kwistjonijiet Iltqajt f'soluzzjonijiet oħra jinkludu żbalji meta jippruvaw jużaw prepending *, Imħatri Best, Sottolinear Keyword, Nies Fittex, RSS, Federati Tiftix u Fittex aspetti. Mhuwiex ħielsa, iżda ma jillimitax utenti għal użi bażiċi ħafna ta 'wildcard. Ħossok liberu li email me għal aktar informazzjoni.