I returned from Washington DC yesterday after attending the latest SharePoint Saturday. What a remarkable event! Continuing the tradition of other SP Saturday’s, it was very well run. The environment, the overall organization, the flow, vendor area, food … all of it was terrific.
Of course, the best part is the content and I don’t think anyone was disappointed.
It’s really quite amazing to me how so many people are rousing themselves out of bed early on a Saturday to go and listen to people talk about SharePoint for 8 hours Amazing.
Odds are, there’s a SharePoint Saturday event coming your way and if there isn’t, why don’t you start one?
I presented at the conference with the tongue twisting title, “Using the SharePoint Platform to Build Vertical Business Applications.” You can get the presentation here: https://cid-1cc1edb3daa9b8aa.skydrive.live.com/browse.aspx/Public. It’s not my usual sort of presentation and I had fun with it. I’ll be giving this again in June at the North VA user group conference at the end of June.
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