UPDATE: An anonymous person in the comments posts this link: http://www.atidan.com/atidan-collaboration-kit.php
Përdoruesit Forum shpesh pyes një pyetje si kjo:
"I would like to have a calendar at the site level that is populated by events from subsite calendars. Ideally, përdoruesit në subsites do të krijojë Ngjarje Kalendari, and will have the option of marking them as ‘public.’ Events marked as public will dynamically appear in the shared site calendar. Thus the shared site calendar is a roll-up of all public events from all subsite calendars."
Është WSS 3.0 ose MOSS 2007, it is not possible to directly configure a "roll-up" calendar. Calendars exist on their own, pavarur nga çdo kalendar tjetër.
Për të krijuar një kalendar roll-up, ndjekin njërën nga këto rrugë:
- Use a Content Query Web Part. This is the easiest solution for MOSS users (WSS nuk siguron CQWP). CQWP, për fat të keq, does not provide a calendar view of data out of the box. It does provide enormous rendering flexibility (shoh këtu për një shembull) por nga default, shows its results in simple list format. In many cases, CQWP ndoshta një zgjedhje e mirë.
- A more programming-oriented solution would be to use event receivers. Implement event receivers on the subsite calendars that keep their public events in sync with the master calendar. As a given subsite calendar is modified, reach out to the master calendar and update it as needed. This option is available in both WSS 3.0 dhe Moss.
There are probably other clever solutions to this problem. If you have one or know of one, ju lutemi të lënë një koment, ose email mua dhe unë do update këtë post.
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http://www.batteryfast.co.uk/nec/m300.htm nec M300 bateri,
http://www.batteryfast.co.uk/nec/m500.htm nec M500 bateri,
http://www.batteryfast.co.uk/nec/op-570-75303.htm nec op-570-75303 bateri,
http://www.batteryfast.co.uk/nec/pc-vp-wp25.htm nec pc-VP-wp25 bateri,
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http://www.batteryfast.co.uk/toshiba/pa2505ur.htm Toshiba pa2505ur bateri,
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http://www.batteryfast.co.uk/toshiba/pa3000ur.htm Toshiba pa3000ur bateri,
http://www.batteryfast.co.uk/toshiba/pa3001u.htm Toshiba pa3001u bateri,
http://www.batteryfast.co.uk/toshiba/7020.htm Toshiba 7020 bateri,
http://www.batteryfast.co.uk/toshiba/7000.htm Toshiba 7000 bateri,
http://www.batteryfast.co.uk/toshiba/pa3285u.htm Toshiba PA3285U bateri,
http://www.batteryfast.co.uk/toshiba/pa3284u.htm Toshiba pa3284u bateri,
http://www.batteryfast.co.uk/toshiba/tecra-a1.htm Toshiba Tecra a1 bateri,
http://www.batteryfast.co.uk/toshiba/satellite-a10.htm Toshiba Satellite A10 bateri,
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