Kategori të tjera: Visual Studio 2005
Për të mundësuar Intellisense dobishme për Features, Elementet, etj në studio vizuale 2005:
- Hyrë në një server WSS.
- Navigate to "c:\Program Files Common Files microsoft shared extensions web server 12 MOSTRA XML"
- Hap një tjetër Windows Explorer duke treguar: "C:\Program Files Microsoft Visual Studio 8 xml Skemat"
Kopjoni skedarët e mëposhtëm nga serveri UK për VS tuaj 2005 Drejtoria schemas:
- Wss.xsd
- CamlQuery.xsd
- CamlView.xsd
- CoreDefintions.xsd
- Restart VS 2005
- Add a new XML file to a project.
- Click in the body of the XML file.
- In the properties pane, click on "Schemas" and pick "wss.xsd" from the choices. (It’s not necessary to select other xsd’s since they are referenced from wss.xsd).
Intellisense is now enabled for that XML document.
Shoh këtu for more information on this subject and for instructions on how to automatically associate WSS intellisense with any XML file.